Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'll be your Xbox Girlfriend! Ha! Not!

What is it with these men on Xbox and their interest in women on Xbox. It's so weird! Yea, I'm a female, I play Modern Warfare 3, Left 4 Dead, and a few other games... Why is this so hot to men! Times have changed, there's a shitload of women who play video games and don't suck. 

Even so, I always get some guy begging for my number, a picture, my facebook, or to be... 
their Xbox girlfriend! 

*side eye* 
Um no!

This is the internet! I'm on Xbox LIVE to play with people from over the world when I *gasp* turn on my Xbox! I don't want a fan club bothering me when I'm not online... I've heard it all... and I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem on XBOX LIVE or any other gaming community...

Well, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday! Peace!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doesn't This Make You Angry!?

This is going to be short but BLAH!

I hate when someone tells you they're not going to do something unless you do it for them first. Like really dude!? I hate it.

I'll be back with a more substantial post... Maybe something about people on Xbox LIVE? Lol

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Dreaded Change

Today I was talking to my Dad about my Uncle leaving his wife because she become vicious after going through 'the change.'

But I wonder... I know no one deserves to be mistreated... but could you really love someone so much to ask for their hand in marriage just to leave them when they go through menopause.

Maybe I'm being too optimistic, idealistic, and naive... But if I love someone enough to want to spend the rest of my life with them... I hope I would stick around through thick and thin.

I mean... you're aware that menopause is resposnible for the mood swings, the disagreements, and all the other hoopla. You could at least:
  • Seek counseling
  • Talk it out
  • Rediscover your relationship
  • Deal with it!
Why just up and leave!?! Remember you used to love this person at some point or another. 

Are people just not as vested in their relationships?
Well, that's my nugget for today. I'll be back!!!
Listening to: I Could Fall in Love - Selena
Mood: Sick, Bored, Idealistic

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Peek Into My Boring Saturday

*sigh* A lazy Saturday with nothing to do...
Well, I retract my previous statememnt.
There's countless TV shows I have to catch up on: House M.D., Queer as Folk, Mad Men, a plethora of anime.
Video games I've yet to complete: Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep, Dissidia 0112, Call of Duty Black Ops.
Places to go: movies, bars, clubs, beaches, yea yea yea... >.>

But.. none of these seem truly enjoyable. 

On this Saturday, I have to find something enjoyable to do... ~.~

Enjoy this boring Saturday!
Listening to: Cold War - Janelle MonĂ¡e
Mood: Sick and Bored


Hello everyone! On here I go by Nature's Gift. You can call me Kira if you like!

I suffer from chronic bouts of boredom and was hoping blogging would help alleviate the symptoms of my aliment and possibly be of some interest to others.

I plan to write about several topics ranging from hair care, anime, video games, TV shows, or anything I find interesting.

I shall return! ^.~