Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'll be your Xbox Girlfriend! Ha! Not!

What is it with these men on Xbox and their interest in women on Xbox. It's so weird! Yea, I'm a female, I play Modern Warfare 3, Left 4 Dead, and a few other games... Why is this so hot to men! Times have changed, there's a shitload of women who play video games and don't suck. 

Even so, I always get some guy begging for my number, a picture, my facebook, or to be... 
their Xbox girlfriend! 

*side eye* 
Um no!

This is the internet! I'm on Xbox LIVE to play with people from over the world when I *gasp* turn on my Xbox! I don't want a fan club bothering me when I'm not online... I've heard it all... and I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem on XBOX LIVE or any other gaming community...

Well, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday! Peace!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doesn't This Make You Angry!?

This is going to be short but BLAH!

I hate when someone tells you they're not going to do something unless you do it for them first. Like really dude!? I hate it.

I'll be back with a more substantial post... Maybe something about people on Xbox LIVE? Lol